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Announcement: Domain name change and SALE

Announcement: Domain name change and SALE

James Zhang |

Knives and Stones Australia has been using the domain from the beginning, as it was easier to remember (IMHO). In late 2019, we have started our US operations with the domain name, yet it is not the ideal name because virtually no US business uses a .us domain! It is only logical to point the .com domain to the US site. So here is what happens:

1. Activate . While both the .com amd domain have been pointing to the Australia site, the domain will become the exclusive domain for the AU site in the near future.

2. We also moved Australia site’s shopping cart from BigCommerce to Shopify (BC is buggy and unstable, along with an inferior overall design). This means while existing customer’s information is moved to the new platform, the password is not migrated for obvious reasons. As a result you will have to click “Forgot Your Password” here ( to reset a new password.

3. To compensate the inconvenience, we are offering a 10% SALE at the new AU site. Please use the coupon code “MOVING10” when checking out at The .com site DOES NOT have such promotion.

4. There could be some error on the new AU site, should a pricing error occur, we reserve the right to collect the additional fund.

5. Domain while now is pointing to the AU site (and still works), will be redirected to the US site soon.


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